HYPES – (precedentemente Electronics 4 you) è un “Collaborative Content Marketing Magazine” multicanale Link: www.hypes.cloud
Attualmente vengono pubblicati tre canali:
“HYPES – Digital Transformation of Things” per le news di digital transformation of things con focus su IoT | IIoT | Cloud | FOG | Cyber Security | Carriers | Infrastructures | Industry 4.0 | Connected cars | ADAS | Smart Technologies | New DToT challenges Link: www.scoop.it/t/e4y-electronics-for-you
“HYPES – Electronic components” per le news di elettronica con focus su MCU | analog | mixed-signal | IP | power | HMI | automotive | sensors Link: www.scoop.it/t/iecloud
“HYPES – Blockchain Now” per le news su Blockchain nei settori IoT | Energy | Real Estate | Retail | Industry 4.0 | Healthcare | Digital ID | Agrifood | Supply chain | Insurance Link: www.scoop.it/t/blockchain-now
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